Fina Consulting
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Mergers and Acquisitions Procurement Consulting:

Problem: Procurement managers are not involved in mergers and acquisitions activities in their day to day role.
This presents two issues: Lack of resource to deal with M&A activity while BAU issues wait to be resolved.
Prior experience dealing with M&A situations.

Solution: Fina Consulting has deep knowledge and experience in managing several large scale Mergers, Acquisitions, MBO’s, and Divestments .
To find out more about our involvements in this area please get in touch with us or visit our track record page.

Services Category Management:

Problem: All large organisations utilise professional services and consultancy in several forms.
The scale and complexity of this category is often under estimated by a lot of organisations and often treated as a tactical category.

Over £8bn was spend on consulting services alone in the UK in 2009 and this does not include self employed contractors, employed contractors and some other forms of professional services. As an example the recent government procurement data disclosure shows that health trusts in London spend £114m on consultancy in 2009 alone which is double the amount spend in 2008. Buying consultancy, professional services, contractor or temporary staff services is very different to buying any other products or services.

What are the various forms and how do they differ?

Consultant: A consultant has specialist knowledge that the company does not have and solves business challenges on behalf of the client.

Employed Contractor: An employed contractor is a temporary employee and works to achieve objectives set by the client often as part of the employers team, to help complete part of a larger project.

Self Employed Contractor: A self employed contractor is a person who controls how and when the work is carried out and may employ others to carry out the work.

One Man Limited Company’s: These can contain a mix of people and could be consultants, contractors or temps that as packaged as a limited company for various reasons.

Temporary Staff: A temp is a person who is often employed by an agency and has no control of their work.

Margin structures for the different types of people are very different and hence its important that the right model is chosen.

In the services industry there is a generic model called the 123 model which is illustrated in the table below. In essence an employed contractor that costs £500 will be resold by a medium sized firm for £1000 and a large firm for £1500 as consultancy to cover their respective costs and margins.

We are not proposing the use of any type of firm but a large firm should be used only when the infrastructure and combined knowledge of this firm offers value to your project.

Purpose Large International Firm

Large Regional Firm

Medium Sized Niche Firm

Small Firm



IT Buyer



£800 £550 £400 £250

Java Developer



£700 £425 £350 £180

Contracts Lawyer



£1000 £600 £500 N/A




£1000 £650 £500 N/A


Fina Consulting can help you categorise your professional services spend and build expertise and knowledge in any specialist category within the professional services area.

Fina Consulting 272 Field End Road Eastcote Middlesex HA4 9NA - Fina Brands Limited registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: 05413627. VAT Number: 863516121.
Copyright © 2009 Fina Brands Limited. All rights reserved.